Blizzards and Snowstorms

Natural Disasters - Blizzards and Snowstorms

A Blizzard is a violent snowstorm.

Weather forecasters classify a Blizzard when:

  • Winds are above 35mph
  • Temperatures under -7° C
  • You cannot view 400m ahead
  • For at least three hours.

A result of a blizzard is reduced visibility, therefore can cause car crashes, hypothermia, and disruptions to transportation and power distribution systems.

An extreme form of a blizzard is a white-out which makes it impossible to distinguish the difference between the ground and the air. People can easily become lost in these circumstances.

Blizzards are common in north-eastern United States and upper Midwest.

Blizzards are characterized by high winds and blinding precipitation

Sudden blizzards can cause terrible damage to infrastructure as well as danger to human life.

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NEWS--Researchers have reconstructed atmospheric carbon dioxide levels over the past 2.1 million years in the sharpest detail yet, shedding new light on its role in the earth's cycles of cooling and warming. A first-ever analysis and comparison of the carbon footprints of different countries using a single, trade-linked model has been created by researchers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and the Centre of International Climate and Environment Research - Oslo (CICERO). ScienceDaily (June 22, 2009) — Some of the substances that are helping to avert the destruction of the ozone layer could increasingly contribute to climate warming, according to scientists from NOAA's Earth System Research Laboratory and their colleagues in a new study in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.