- BUBL Link: Oceanographic Data - BUBL is an Internet-based library information service for the UK higher education community. Catalogues selected Internet resources in oceanography.
- Center For Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies (COAPS) Library, Florida State University - Aims to provide an effective and properly managed information resource for the teaching, learning and research needs of all members of the Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies and thereafter the wider community
- Dalhousie University - Department of Oceanography Publication Library
- Department of Environmental & Ocean Engineering Library, University of Tokyo - Contains limited information at this time (site under test).
- Environmental Science Archives - Consists of the Marine Environmental Science Collection of limited distribution documents, as well as archival fonds and bibliographies that document the activities of British Columbia scientists and agencies specializing in the examination of environmental stresses.
- Fisheries and Oceanography Library, University of Washington, US - Catalog, journal database, electronic journals and reference and information services provided by the University of Washington Libraries.
- Indian Ocean Rim Region : Virtual Library - Contains searchable research data related to Social Development in the Indian Ocean Rim Region.
- Institute of Ocean Sciences Library, Fisheries and Oceans, Canada - Includes policies, regulations, publications, indexes and bibliographies. Contact details.
- Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) Electronic Library - Free and unrestricted access to technical manuals, guides, IOC publications and a wealth of other reference documents.
- Marine Biological Laboratory/Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Library, US - An open stack research library whose collections and services are developed and maintained for support of the Woods Hole scientific community. Contains over 200,000 volumes. Most of the holdings are serial publications, numbering more than 5,000 titles. Of these, 2,000 are received currently, covering all fields in the biological and oceanographic sciences.
- Maury Oceanographic Library - United States Department of Defense oceanographic library.
- Miller Marine Biology Library at Stanford University - Marine geology and physical oceanography indexes, catalogs and information resources.
- National Marine Biological Library - The NMBL contains one of the world's major collections of literature on aquatic sciences and fisheries, and acts as a marine biological sciences resource for the UK.
- National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Central Library - Comprehensive oceanographic collection available to students, researchers, scientists, and the general public for on-site use or through interlibrary loan service. The catalog is remotely accessible via the WWW.
- National Sea Grant Library - Comprehensive collection of Sea Grant funded documents. Document database is searchable online and many documents are available as full-text PDFs. Hard copy loans are also available.
- Ocean and Coastal Law Center Library, University of Oregon - The library is funded in part by the Oregon State University Sea Grant College Program as part of the law school's Ocean and Coastal Law Center. It is an essential information resource for Center, faculty and students and for others needing information about marine-related issues.
- Pell Marine Science Library, University of Rhode Island, US - Access the library's holdings via HELIN, the online catalog. The National Sea Grant Depository (NSGD), an archive of all Sea Grant funded documents) is also held here. Documents are lent all over the world to aid scientists, teachers, fishermen, and many other individuals in their research and studies.
- Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science Library, University of Miami, US - Has one of the major marine science collections in the United States and is especially strong in the literature of tropical oceanography, specifically of Florida, the Caribbean and Latin America. It serves the research and teaching needs of the faculty, students and staff of the school, the University of Miami system, and the scientists of the other research facilities on Virginia Key. The Library is open to the public for research only.
- Scripps Institution of Oceanography Archives - Collection and services on the history of oceanography: photographs, moving images, and personal papers of eminent oceanographers.
- Scripps Institution of Oceanography Library - Oceanography, climatology, earth science and marine biology resources on the Internet maintained by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography Library, University of California.
- UK National Oceanographic Library - Includes the Oceanis database system, containing over 255,000 records covering the fields of ocean and earth sciences.
- University of Washington Oceanography Information Gateway - Full listing of documents, bibliographies, data and other holdings held at Washington University Libraries.
- Wolfson (Ocean Sciences) Library, Bangor University, Wales - Contains books, periodicals, theses, reports and materials in microform on all subjects of interest to the School of Ocean Sciences. Appropriate indexes and abstracts are in stock, and online bibliographic databases can be accessed.
- World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Oceanography - A virtual library referencing oceanography related universities, organisations, conferences and other information resources.
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