Save Our Earth Environmental News

posted by null at Save Our Earth Environmental News - 7 hours ago
The current UK government carries the scars of repeated blows from the environmental lobby over its failure to "walk the walk" on climate change. So with some interest as to whether the umbrella of the UK ...
  • posted by null at Save Our Earth Environmental News - 7 hours ago
    A powerful 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck off the south-west coast of New Zealand, prompting a brief tsunami warning but causing little damage. The tremor struck around the tip of New Zealand's South Isla...
  • posted by null at Save Our Earth Environmental News - 7 hours ago
    Ambitious plans to generate one third of UK electricity from renewables by 2020 form the centrepiece of government plans for a low carbon future. Financial packages for wind and wave energy and changes to ...
  • posted by null at Save Our Earth Environmental News - 7 hours ago
    The government has announced what it describes as radical plans to cut our emissions. The measures are designed, ministers say, to allow communities to "walk the walk" when it comes to reducing their carbo...
  • posted by null at Save Our Earth Environmental News - 7 hours ago
    The government seized control of key levers in the energy sector today in an attempt to kickstart a stalling "green energy" revolution and head off the threats of global warming and a rundown in North Sea ...
  • posted by null at Save Our Earth Environmental News - 7 hours ago
    LONDON (Reuters) - Britain will double the share of its electricity generated from low carbon sources by 2020 as part of plans to cut emissions and counter global warming, the government said on Wednesday.
  • posted by null at Save Our Earth Environmental News - 7 hours ago
    WELLINGTON/SYDNEY (Reuters) - New Zealand and Australia canceled tsunami warnings on Wednesday after an earthquake struck the south of New Zealand, causing minor damage but no injuries.
  • posted by null at Save Our Earth Environmental News - 7 hours ago
    PARIS (Reuters) - Production of biodiesel in the European Union rose by more than 35 percent in 2008 and capacity will grow again this year although half the plants are idle due to poor demand, the EU prod...
  • posted by null at Save Our Earth Environmental News - 7 hours ago
    SINGAPORE (Reuters) - A dramatic warming of the planet 55 million years ago cannot be solely explained by a surge in carbon dioxide levels, a study shows, highlighting gaps in scientists' understanding of ...
  • posted by null at Save Our Earth Environmental News - 7 hours ago
    WASHINGTON, DC, July 14, 2009 (ENS) - This year's Atlantic hurricane season could be less severe than usual due to start of another El Nino period in June. The Pacific Ocean warming phenomenon has a major ...
  • posted by null at Save Our Earth Environmental News - 7 hours ago
    The oil giant that environmentalists love to hate, ExxonMobil, which for years denied the existence of man-made climate change, is sensationally "going green" in a very literal sense - investing $600m (£36...
  • posted by null at Save Our Earth Environmental News - 1 day ago
    Britain's honeybees are disappearing at an "alarming" rate, yet the government is taking "little interest" in the problem, a group of MPs has said. The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) says bees, vital for ...
  • posted by null at Save Our Earth Environmental News - 1 day ago
    NEW DELHI (Reuters) - India is scrambling to divert power supplies to the countryside to irrigate rice and oilseed crops and limit damage after the worst start to the vital monsoon season in eight decades ...
  • posted by null at Save Our Earth Environmental News - 1 day ago
    BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Commission approved on Tuesday state aid involved in a British scheme for trading carbon dioxide emissions, part of the country's effort to fight global warming.
  • posted by null at Save Our Earth Environmental News - 1 day ago
    Beijing, China -- Major China-based producers and users of palm oil have announced they intend to provide more support for sustainable palm oil, an important boost for efforts to halt tropical deforestatio...
  • posted by null at Save Our Earth Environmental News - 1 day ago
    GOLDEN, Colorado, July 14, 2009 (ENS) - Thin film technologies are inspiring new solar applications with potential to increase the generation of clean electricity, such as printed modules that double as ro...
  • posted by null at Save Our Earth Environmental News - 1 day ago
    The publication of the government's climate change strategy tomorrow should herald the beginning of a new era in the fight against climate change. While the public-facing, energy-saving policies may catch ...
  • posted by null at Save Our Earth Environmental News - 2 days ago
    The UK must invest more in nuclear and clean coal energy and put less emphasis on wind power if it wants a secure low-carbon future, business leaders say. The CBI says government energy policy is "disjoint...
  • posted by null at Save Our Earth Environmental News - 2 days ago
    Watching the US political drama the West Wing one night, Ed Miliband found he had something in common with Josh Lyman, who plays the deputy White House chief of staff. Both, Miliband says, have been exaspe...
  • posted by null at Save Our Earth Environmental News - 2 days ago
    Climate scientists have warned of wild weather in the year ahead as the start of the global "El Niño" climate phenomenon exacerbates the impacts of global warming. As well as droughts, floods and other ext...
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    NEWS--Researchers have reconstructed atmospheric carbon dioxide levels over the past 2.1 million years in the sharpest detail yet, shedding new light on its role in the earth's cycles of cooling and warming. A first-ever analysis and comparison of the carbon footprints of different countries using a single, trade-linked model has been created by researchers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and the Centre of International Climate and Environment Research - Oslo (CICERO). ScienceDaily (June 22, 2009) — Some of the substances that are helping to avert the destruction of the ozone layer could increasingly contribute to climate warming, according to scientists from NOAA's Earth System Research Laboratory and their colleagues in a new study in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.